Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Strategies For A Successful Intervention

Choosing the right family intervention strategies can be tricky. What works well in one instance may not necessarily be the proper course of action for another. Interventions exist in a number of forms: Some bluntly express a need for change. Others can be more subtle. Depending on the subject and circumstances, it may be necessary to perform several interventions before getting the intended message across. In this entry, we will discuss some common strategies to employ in hopes of a happy outcome.


People abuse alcohol for a variety of reasons. Some self medicate in an effort to address underlying issues they may not even know exist. An intervention can be subtle, such as a suggestion to seek professional counseling. Even in cases where the individual does not intend to quit drinking, working with a seasoned counselor may help them come to grips with the full extent of their issues.

Stop Enabling

An individual who is unable to maintain steady employment and regularly borrows money from friendly and family members is typically only obtaining help to continue their irresponsible behaviors. If an alcoholic is not provided reasons to alter their ways, the cycle will perpetuate.

Though you may view it as harsh, the absolute best way to aid a struggling addict is by cutting off their lifeline. When loved ones put their foot down in regard to financial support, the addict is forced to look at their situation in a more delicate manner. Chances are that after a week or so without cash flow, they will choose to gain employment or seek professional help.

Restricted Contact

Many alcoholics display behaviors that are simply inappropriate when they are under the influence. They may allow anger to get the best of them; they may curse, yell, or simply become belligerent. If this behavior is regularly displayed in front of children, such as nieces, nephews or grandchildren, it’s important to set boundaries by restricting their contact until help is obtained. This technique is not only beneficial to the individual in question, but the children as well. The idea that they are no longer allowed to communicate with their loved ones may be just enough to consider recovery possibilities.

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