Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What Type of Letter to Write For An Alcohol Intervention

Alcoholism, a dependency to alcohol, is an extreme condition. For family and friends of an alcoholic, being forced to stand by and watch the individual spiral can prove quite frustrating. If you’re seeking change in the life of an alcoholic loved one in addition to yourself, an intervention may be the route for you! In this entry, we will discuss the best techniques and strategies when creating an intervention letter.


During alcohol intervention, family and friends create letters in an effort to avoid chaos and excess emotion during the intervention. Without these letters, anger and frustration can quickly become a main focus; creating additional barriers on path to the main goal of the intervention: getting the alcoholic to seek treatment.


Each intervention letter consists of three parts and should not run longer than 2 pages. The introduction of your letter should communicate how much you care for the individual in question.


Your letter’s body should include reasons why the individual should seek help. Cite recent instances where the alcoholic’s behaviors have hindered the life of both the alcoholic and those surrounding them.


Your conclusion should once again affirm your love for the alcoholic, while requesting they accept help for their affliction. A well-written letter is an essential aspect of any successful intervention.


Prior the intervention, all participants should gather to share their letters with one another. This will help ensure fresh content, while serving as an editing platform to remove feelings of hostility, finger pointing and blame. 

What Is Your Intervention Objective?

A family requested drug intervention is a momentous step forward for friends and family seeking to address a loved one’s addiction. But before you can properly use an intervention, it is important to determine precisely what you are hoping to achieve by it.


Your first and main objective of the intervention should be confronting the individual whom the intervention is for in regard to their substance abuse issues. It is vital that the subject is acutely aware of the spot they have place themselves and loved ones into, and important they be made to understand the extent of their issue. Until a subject admits to their behaviors, the intervention cannot proceed.

Relationship Impact

The second intervention objective should be letting the individual know exactly how their addiction and behaviors have impacted the lives of those surrounding them. Having each participant communicate just how their life has been affected by the subject’s addiction will serve in opening the subject’s eyes to the damage inflicted.


Participants should attempt to heal their relationships with the addict. This objective is extremely important, and is recognized as a crucial step in maintaining support for the individual while communicating that their loved ones will be there for them if indeed they choose to seek help for their issues.


Of course, the real objective of any intervention is a happy outcome. Getting the subject to assume responsibility for their problems and agree to treatment is a win-win situation, and a step towards the healthy, happy life they and the family deserve.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Alcohol Intervention Guidelines

Do you have a loved one requiring treatment for alcoholism? If so, an alcohol intervention may be the road to follow. Truth be told, an intervention can be a stressful ordeal. Though you likely have reservations about confronting your loved one, it is important to take action before the issue escalates into greater risk areas.

Location, Location, Location

The proper location is essential to the success of an alcohol intervention. This spot should serve as a neutral zone for both the alcoholic and participants alike. In this way, you can effectively lessen the possibility of your loved one feeling threatened or on-guard. Plan a time when the subject is most likely to be clear headed and sober to ensure they are able to fully understand the extent of the situation at hand.


Before the intervention can begin, it is important to obtain a commitment from the alcoholic that they will listen without interruption while others are speaking. Express your concern without blame or accusation. Stick to the facts and support your claims with recent examples of how the individual’s behaviors have negatively impacted both themselves and those surrounding them.

In most cases, it’s best to write out your feelings ahead of time. It can be easy for emotions to get the best of us in stressful situations. In this way, you can communicate your concern clearly, without frustration, anger and personal attacks.

Offer Answers

After each participant has been afforded the opportunity to communicate his or her concerns, a solution must be offered. Having a treatment plan in place prior to the intervention is imperative to a safe and successful transition into recovery. If your loved one agrees to accept help, your plan must be enacted immediately to avoid delays and second thoughts.

If the individual shows hesitancy towards recovery, an ultimatum should be offered to motivate them in the right direction. Ultimatums can range from revoked financial assistance to cutting off communication completely. Please note that if you are unwilling to carry out the ultimatum, it should not be given. Empty threats will get you nowhere; causing only additional issues moving forward.